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Hello, world.

12 Feb 2023

153 days. That’s how long I’ve been on my coding journey. Since then I’ve learned SO much about building websites and web applications. And about learning and myself. This post is meant to be an introduction to who I am, how I got here, and what I’ve been up to since beginning my coding journey earlier this year. I hope to use this blog to document and reflect on my own learning and work in coding, and to connect with like-minded people.

There’s no time like the present

I’m the type of person who has no problem diving into a new challenge. Whether it’s at work or in my personal life, if something sparks my interest, I’m in. This means that I’m also the type of person who wants to learn all of the new things!

My latest learning and professional endeavor is transitioning into web development and coding. I’ll get more into my background a bit later in this post, and probably in subsequent posts, but for now, I’d like to just briefly describe what my days are like with regard to learning about all things coding and web development.

I currently live in a village in Germany with my partner and our son. I take my son to kindergarten in the morning, and after I drop him off, I get a little workout in before settling in for a morning of coding and learning. In the early afternoon, I pick up my son from school, and the rest of the day is usually parenting and family stuff. I’m telling you all of this because I want to be open about how I spend my time. And I want to share myself along with my learning journey in this blog.

The start of my coding journey

I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I didn’t do a ton of research before choosing a bootcamp. I know, I know! There are some really great and really not great options out there, and I could have really gotten into something not worth my while.

But, I think I got lucky. I chose to learn with CodeOp out of Barcelona, and it’s been lovely so far. I feel like I’ve learned so so so much! And I find that I really enjoy all of the aspects of coding so far. 

I’ve had grand ambitions of documenting my learning from the beginning, and I’ve done little things here and there to that end. But, I have really struggled to put my learning into a format like this until now. As we enter the project phase of the bootcamp, I want to take more time to reflect on the things I’ve learned so far and hopefully learn in public a bit more.

How I got here

My background is in education. English education to be a bit more specific. I spent most of my time in college writing poetry, reading literature, and learning about teaching and learning. Yes, I was an English major. 

I always knew I wanted to teach. So, after college, I moved abroad, to South Korea, to teach English to little kids. I was there for a couple of years, and I realized that I didn’t want to teach children, but adults. So I did my master’s degree in teaching English to speakers of other languages.

Through my master’s degree, I had the opportunity to teach English at an intensive English program at my university. I got to work with international students from all over the world, and it was great!

During this time, I also realized how much I enjoyed integrating technology into my own teaching and learning. I started digging into edtech Twitter, and I fell into a years-long interest in educational technology.

I also learned about working in WordPress as I documented by own learning and teaching, and I eventually decided to get another master’s degree in educational technology.

But, after a couple of semesters of courses in learning analytics and design for edtech, I decided to make another international move to teach at a university in Japan. I lived and worked just outside of Tokyo for two years before we had the opportunity to make the move to Germany.

So, here I am, an American in Germany, not teaching for the first time in a decade. After exploring some interests, I decided to take the dive into a full-stack development bootcamp.

Part of my coding journey includes literally learning about coding while riding a train.

Here I am, learning about Vue on the train from Cologne to Brussels.

Looking ahead

Alright, so you’ve learned a little bit about me. And I hope to share more as I build this blog out and share my learning experiences.

I hope to:

  • reflect on the work I’m doing to learn and build my full-stack development skills
  • share resources I’ve found useful in my learning journey
  • share my experience transitioning from education into a career in tech

Thank you for joining me on my coding journey!

Please feel free to reach out on Twitter, LinkedIn, or GitHub using the links in the footer below.

Crystal Rose-Wainstock

Let’s connect!